Digital Direct Communication Examples

LMA-0052-071516 (Rueda).JPG

This artifact is a text message exchange between friends. This is a direct communication because the intended audience is just the two people messaging each other. The two individuals are making plans to hang out and see a movie, which requires an exchange of information between the two. First, informing about the movie and then discussing their availability. 


This artifact includes a note left in the code to tell the other users not to change anything, in this way, the artifact has a direct audience that it is communicating information to. There is also a second note from someone else, jokingly saying "no" to the first comment. The first note is a direct communication because it is conveying information to the rest of the group about the code, and the second note is direct communication because it is a direct reply to the first. 

Check out this exhibit to see more about everyday writing that can be found in code: