
Age:    23                            Sex:       Male                            Occupation:      Server


Question 1: How often do you use the emojis reflected in your “frequently used?”

"I use the 10 emoji’s on the far left side the most and I use them in almost every conversation I have."


 Question 2: Pick three of your “frequently used” emojis and tell us what they mean to you and in what context you use them.

"The first emoji I choose is the top of my most used. I call it the cry laughing emoji because of the smile and tears coming out of the eyes. I laugh a lot in general so I portray that in my conversations with this one. The second emoji I choose is beer mug. This I use a lot when I want my friends to know its time to go out and have a beer or two. The last emoji I choose is the money bag emoji. This one is all about money to me because I have two jobs and need a lot of money if I want to live on my own."


 Question 3: Looking at your “frequently used” emojis, what would you say they are communicating about where you are in life/what you’re currently going through?

 "Although I have a few unhappy faces in my frequently used, I would say my most used emoji’s show that I am kind of a flirt, which I am. Being single and in my early 20’s has its perks, and flirting is something I think everyone likes to do. I would also say that the right 10-15 emoji’s I rarely ever use and I usually stick to the core 10 or so."


Question 4: Are these emojis an accurate representation of you at this moment? Why or why not?

" I think as of now these are an accurate representation of me because I use them in everyday conversations I have with friends and family on my phone. I wouldn’t be using them in conversation if they weren’t representative of how I felt at the time."
