
Age:  25                 Sex:  M                    Occupation: Software Engineer



Question 1: How often do you use the emojis reflected in your “frequently used?”

"Pretty often"


Question 2: Pick three of your “frequently used” emojis and tell us what they mean to you and in what context you use them.

"🙄  - Usually to be sassy, like to roll your eyes when when someone is being predictable"


"😂  - A little more impactful than an 'lol' "


"👍🏻  - Agreement, usually at the top and easy to reply back"


Question 3: Looking at your “frequently used” emojis, what would you say they are communicating about where you are in life/what you’re currently going through?

" I don’t think they say much past the current day, Gboard doesn’t have most used just the last used emojis. It’s mostly indicative of conversations about beer, costumes, and most recently plans for dinner."


 Question 4: Are these emojis an accurate representation of you at this moment? Why or why not?

 "Yes, they show small disconnected pieces of conversations I’ve had in the last day or two."