Browse Exhibits (2 total)

Bumper Stickers: Categorized and Analyzed


        Bumper stickers are a form of public art that an indivdual chooses to display for one reason or another. Bumper stickers can serve many purposes: to pursuade, to make someone laugh, for aesthetics, or to reference pop culture and display something an indivudual likes. Many stickers can cross into multiple of these categories. Stickers can have layers to their reference or humor in suprising ways, which we will examine through this exhibit. But many stickers have an overarching intent that can allow for categorization. This exhibit is broken down into four categories of stickers: humor, pop culture, pursuasion, and aesthetics. Each gallary page features an analysis of what the sticker type says about the driver and about the viewer. 

         This exhibit features images compiled from December 2022- March 2023. 

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If Stalls Could Talk


This exhibit brings together the different forms of graffiti displayed across bathroom stalls all over town bars. Graffiti is often compared to vandalism as it is usually illegal and involves unauthorized marking on public spaces. But graffiti isn't always offensive, and it doesn't always have to be an antisocial behavior. Graffiti can also be understood as an expressive art form that is used to share different thoughts and opinions. Throughout this exhibit, we may recognize how graffiti can be controversial and purposeful.

As I came across these artifacts, I began to question the motives behind writing on bathroom stalls and what makes bathroom graffiti so popular. Is it the thrill of breaking a taboo in a private space knowing it may never catch up to you? Some may argue that the best inspiration in life comes from sitting on a toilet, as it could be the only place where aspiring artists will find an audience. However, these artists fail to consider that they are creating an unwanted eyesore for others as their graffiti wreaks havoc on another's business. Writing on bathroom stalls is like a war between right or wrong. Is the defacing of these walls decoration and expression, or is it as simple as delinquency?

Public bathrooms are weird places, especially in college towns, so you have to be a particular type of person to have the insatiable desire to find a canvas in these spaces. For some, this art form may just be a way to rebel against authorities and establishments. But graffiti can also be as innocent as creating a demonstration that represents love amongst friends or a group of people. As humans, it is natural to want to express yourself and communicate with others. If you frequently visit the same stalls, you can recognize how your expression and communication efforts have been responded to or received. Writing on bathroom walls is never done for critical acclaim or a financial reward; it may genuinely be the purest form of art that encourages discussion. 

My exhibit focuses on graffiti that expresses controversial statements, comedy, inspiration, and love. 

While it may stink, doesn't it make you think or smile sometimes?

If yes, then mission accomplished.

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