Browse Exhibits (2 total)

Bumper Stickers: Categorized and Analyzed


        Bumper stickers are a form of public art that an indivdual chooses to display for one reason or another. Bumper stickers can serve many purposes: to pursuade, to make someone laugh, for aesthetics, or to reference pop culture and display something an indivudual likes. Many stickers can cross into multiple of these categories. Stickers can have layers to their reference or humor in suprising ways, which we will examine through this exhibit. But many stickers have an overarching intent that can allow for categorization. This exhibit is broken down into four categories of stickers: humor, pop culture, pursuasion, and aesthetics. Each gallary page features an analysis of what the sticker type says about the driver and about the viewer. 

         This exhibit features images compiled from December 2022- March 2023. 

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Does Size Matter?

While it is known that social media has become increasingly popular in todays day in age, it has also gradually affected our ideas of everyday writing and altered the way we view it. The need for a lengthy text is no longer necessary, we now can read a short and to the point Instagram caption or a 150 character allotted tweet/comment. I want to further explore this theory of the affect that social media has on our idea of everyday writing. Does the text lose its gravity or meaning if it is shorter? Does utilizing a social platform and imagery take away from the purpose of the writing? I will be exploring these questions through my artifacts.

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