
This page shows a few miscellaneous examples of everyday writing done by White Mouse Theatre Productions, that did not fit in to the rest of the categories created for this exhibit. Including the introduction to an audition form, a poster board advertising White Mouse, and an internal document listing information about the season's festivals.

audition form.png

This artifact is the beginning of an audition form that White Mouse put out for the Fall 2023 semester. It details information about the when, where, and how of auditions, as well as expectations for auditions. White Mouse uses forms like this to make sure everyone auditioning has access to the same information and gather information from potential actors. That way once casting has concluded White Mouse already has information from all actors cast, like headshots and bios, to use in marketing.

You can also see this artifact in an exhibit about communication in everyday writing, so to view this artifact through that lens, check out this exhibit here: https://museumofeverydaywriting.omeka.net/exhibits/show/-communicative/-communicative-intro

White Mouse Theatre Board.jpg

This artifact is used by White Mouse to show provide information about the organization at a glance. The poster was originally created for the 2023 Fall Involvement Fair but has also been used throughout the same semester for tabling before a show. Most of the information on this poster is provided through text, including a write-up on White Mouse's goals as an organization, as well as providing lists of past shows, and the schedule for the (at the time) upcoming Fall season. Additional information is also included in the photographs attached to the poster, that showcase examples of White Mouse's past work, showing to the audience, visually, what kind of work that White Mouse produces.

This artifact is a document that is stored in the White Mouse Google Drive and details information about the festivals going on for the semester. Mostly consisting of cast lists for each show included in the festivals, although information about shows outside of the festivals has also been included in this document. This artifact has been updated several times and was uploaded in its current state to the Museum of Everyday Writing on November 2 2023, the highlights on the document signify what events had concluded at the time of uploading.
