The Work These Artifacts Do

SPA-0003-033016 (Keaton).pdf

A creatively done family scrapbook, filled with pictures.


A card showing a dog kissing another dog on the cheek.

This is a gallery-based exhibit meant to showcase everyday writing as a part of how family members express their love for each other. The artifacts include letters, scrapbooks, and other forms of everyday writing created out of the love for family. This exhibit is meant to be a "keepsake box" for multiple families.  It is focused on the expression of familial love through cards in particular.  Even in our digital age, these texts are seen and held with more value than other forms of communication. 

It is in this spirit that I put together this exhibit. By saving these artifacts related to the bonds between several different families, the love they represent will outlast both the original documents and creators. This "keepsake box" preserves the lives of these families. We may not initially associate our everyday writing with concepts as grandiose as love and connection, but I hope this exhibit shines a light on how much we express these concepts through gestures as small as some personal handwriting.