Handwritten Texts and Familial Love

Everyday writing is an almost universal aspect of living in modern American culture. We use everyday writing as a catch-all instrument when we deal with constant themes and topics.  Because of this, it is only natural thatwe use everyday writing when we express the love we hold for our families. It is this deep love for family that inspires countless people to create texts for and save artifacts from their closest loved ones. The writer of smallnotebook.org captures the feelings of the people creating these artifacts very well: "Be sure the things you are saving are about you and your family. You don’t need to save the program from a friend’s wedding ceremony just to prove you care about her. That belongs in her keepsake box, not yours." (smallnotebook.org)

Cited source: http://smallnotebook.org/2012/09/10/what-to-do-with-neutral-or-negative-keepsakes/ (Neutral Keepsakes)


Michael West, Lucas Dykes