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  • Tags: comment

Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at 1.29.35 PM.png
This artifact is a YouTube comment created by username deanspie67 reacting to the Chet Baker song, I Fall In Love Too Easily.

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This artifact is a YouTube comment created by username Flurby Durby reacting to the Chet Baker song, I Fall In Love Too Easily.

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This artifact is a YouTube comment created by username space junkie reacting to the Chet Baker song, I Fall In Love Too Easily.

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This artifact is a YouTube comment created by username Prasiddha Dawadi reacting to the Chet Baker song, I Fall In Love Too Easily.

Screen Shot 2019-04-08 at 6.04.24 PM.png
This artifact is a YouTube comment created by username elbee reacting to the Electric Light Orchestra song, Mr. Blue Sky.

Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at 1.44.52 PM.png
This artifact is an interaction between YouTube commenters deb losey, jeff jeeves, and shan1717, sharing under the song I Fall In Love Too Easily by Chet Baker.

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This artifact is an interaction between YouTube commenters J E M, and Linsey Anne sharing under the song Dreams by Fleetwood Mac

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This artifact is an interaction between YouTube commenters A. A. and Junior Hercule, sharing under the song Dreams by Fleetwood Mac.

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This artifact is an interaction between YouTube commenters richard camacho, peelson mandela, and clementine white, under the song Dreams by Fleetwood Mac.

Screen Shot 2019-04-06 at 2.35.43 PM.png
This artifact is an interaction between YouTube commenters Beached Bum and charles mcmanus, sharing under the song Dreams by Fleetwood Mac.
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