Let's Get Controversial!


A.C.A.B (All Cops Are Bastards) is a political slogan that was written on this bathroom stall to represent those that are opposed to the police.


During the 2020 election, many accusations came out regarding both parties and elected candidates. This artifact could have been created for comedic purposes or to share ones true beliefs.  


Amongst the frustration that followed the 2020 election, many people turned to humor for comfort. This artifact shows an individuals efforts to provide comedy by campaigning for Elon Musk in a presidential election on a planet that doesn't even support human life. 


Settle for Biden was formed as a grassroots group by Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders. During the previous election many felt like they were settling by Joe Biden simply because they wanted Donald Trump out of office. This group recognized Joe Biden's flaws, but believed our nation could not survive another term under Donald Trump.


This artifacts demonstrates an individuals preferred candidate. After much uproar and controversy, many believed that our nation would be better off if Joe Biden was elected president.


This item was shared on Instagram after being taken in a dirty bathroom stall on Bourbon Street. The joke is referring to the bathrooms cleanliness and how if one were to use this stall, they should not be concerned about what is in the COVID vaccine.

Graffiti and politics go hand in hand as the art form may be one of the longest-lasting collaborations of artistic and political protests. Engaging with public spaces and asserting the strength of the individual, every tag, piece, symbol, and statement is an authentic presentation of individual expression. The messages we see on the street or, in this case, the bathroom speak to what is happening in the real world.

Now I'm not discussing the politics of graffiti that is concerned about whether graffiti is vandalism or an art form. These artifacts demonstrate how the outright rejected and commercialized graffiti welcomes freedom of expression regarding political power.

Let's Get Controversial!