

This artifact is from the book Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan. This specific page focuses on family and foreshadows a devistating event about to unfold for the family. The annotation "clues to bad news" highlights te event about to unfold.


This artifact is from the book Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan. It talks about the death of a loved one and it expresses forshadow in the annotations. The annotations also includes a sad face.


Like the artifact before this one includes another face. However this time it is a happy face. It also comes from the book Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan. The foreshadow is once again seen in the annotation hinting that something bad is about to happen.

Each annotation in this group talks about foreshadowing in the various books.This section focuses soley on the book Esperanza Rising by Pam Muñoz Ryan. A major theme of these books and the annoations is family.
