Appeal to Religion


This is a response to the statement "All Lives Matter", which was orinigally made in response to the Black Lives Matter movement. It is a right-wing statement, along with the movement against women's choice on abortion. It seems that these people care more about others not being allowed to get abortions than they do about the life of that child once they are born. The situations can vary from being the product of rape (even incestual rape) to just being born to a woman has no means with which to take care of that child. This poster depicts a fetus, which advocates want to have considered a living being, next to an actual child, implying that people cannot stand for only the life of the fetus, but not that of the grown child that comes from it. 


The words "Love Thy Neighbor" come from the bible. This was at the protest against the immigration ban, implying that the countries on that list are our neighbors and we should be loving them. The right wing is thought of as religious, more specifically Christian, and so evoking the holy text of the Bible is an effective rhetorical choice.


This sign is meant to appeal to those who claim to care about "the children". It may be referring to the bombs being dropped in other countries, and how no matter what the issue or where, there are children being harmed. It is anti-war overall, not just against the immigration ban and the southern border wall. It may be calling into question specifically the actions of those that are terribly-anti-abortion, but seem to show no empathy for children once they're born. 

Appeal to Religion