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BradsWife5 (Rachael Lackner).PNG
A troll post of the popular meme, #JusticeForBradsWife


BradsWife4 (SpartanZero).PNG
A troll post of the popular meme, #JusticeForBradsWife


BradsWife3 (Gabby Easterwood).PNG
A troll post of the popular meme, #JusticeForBradsWife


Bradswife2 (Emily Spillman).PNG
A troll post of the popular meme, #JusticeForBradsWife


BradsWife1 (Zach Sharpe).PNG
A troll post of the popular meme, #JusticeForBradsWife


Ricky_Long But Very Good Day.JPG
Ricky Ayers composed this handwritten travel log on a spiral bound steno pad in June 2009 about a trip with his daughter’s church youth group. This page reflects their progress on the first two days flying to and traveling within Montana.


MOEW 1.png
The artifact is a public tweet that represents a student’s fear during their nap over online school that their camera is still on, showing them asleep.


Museum of Everyday Writing - Novel Idea Free-Write LEGIT.docx
This artifact is a free-write for a novel idea written by the submitter.
The submitter provided the following about the artifact's history:
This is one of two short free writes I have done as work towards an idea for a novel I've had for a while,…

exhibit artifact 3.PNG
This artifact is a Facebook post announcing Zach starting his new job.

This accounting book, which Mishima essentially wrote as a diary, highlights his private life. He names authors he liked and wished to be around, and those he did not like.

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