Student Life at Zoom University

As of March 2020, the life of students all across the globe has changed. No longer were students allowed to congregate in the classroom, now the age of the Zoom meeting had begun. Almost overnight all teachers and students had to adjust to online learning. Some challenges that arose from Zoom learning were: screen sharing, test proctoring, attendance, and student retention. As the Spring semester came to an end, learning through Zoom was now seen as normal. Well into the Fall teachers were running Zoom lectures as if they were just another class. While on the other hand, students had begun feeling fatigued and naming this learning method "Zoom University." 

Quickly students across the nation had picked up this moniker. They poked fun at the fact that no matter the school they attended they were all now enrolled in Zoom University. As this form of teaching became the standard, students shared their individual experiences or relatable content on social media sites such as Twitter. 


Anthony Zamora