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Art Museums: The Simpler Posts


Created by Instagram user @savannahdyal

Art museums are beautiful and wonderful places to visit. There's always so much to see and so much to think about. When you view art, you end up thinking about the past and the history of the art work and what the artist might have been trying to accomplish when they used the medium they chose or what they were trying to say about the world depending on what was created. Art and art museums tell you so much with so little words. 

Just as art museums can do that, people who post about them do just about the same. When Instagram users take a piece of art or go to a museum, they don't worry so much about what they have to say. Most of the time, they want their audience to think about the pieces they saw just as much as they did.


Created by Instagram user @sophicorny.

When you look at this artifact in particular, the art that dominates the photo is words. The user in the caption restates what the art piece says and then continues to question "what?" When we think of art, that's what we are to think of. 


Created by Instagram user @lizzyspamstheglobe.

Composers purposely don't put much information for us to know any type of background. The most we get is this caption where the user simply states that she's always on the hunt for surrealist art work. She goes to art museums to find those works and then relays that to her audience and doesn't say anything else about it—just gives us an example of that work and let's us think about what that means. When it comes to everyday writing, this is the type of writing that we find about art museums on Instagram; it's just short, sweet, and makes you think without saying much else. Everyday writing is ordinary and mundane, as are the posts we find about art and art museums. Ordinary and mundane.