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@Fsugay's Opinions, Thoughts, and Community

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I had a conversation with @fsugay where I interrogated and asked him various questions about his insight and general thoughts on the community that he cultivated and the communities that he interacts with. This was his response.

He effectively validates my curiosity and investigation into the gimmick community having a primary femme and queer combination of audience and leaders. He brings up examples of various gimmick accounts, especially @fsugirlsandgays (who he later became friends with), that functioned as his primary inspiration after he saw that there was not a niche account for gay men in the gimmick community. He was a pioneer of the gimmick community for gay men and was very informative and crucial to understanding the ins and outs of gimmick accounts on Instagram overall. He harbors a community that focuses on queer humor, stating that if someone reposts pictures and/or memes from his account, they would more than likely be associated with a queer identity, in comparison to someone like @fsugirlsandgays, who has a broader reach with their posts. @fsugay does his best to keep his account as a safe space for people of all identities, posts incredibly funny images, and has many opinions that you can learn from and analyze if you examine his accounts and ask him his thoughts.

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@fsugay also had opinions on the new wave of gimmick accounts that reflected an oversaturation within the community. He gave me information as to why they exist and how they show up on Instagram. He has no intrinsic issue with their rise, but he does display some concern over how the gimmick community had changed from one of relatability and shared expression, to a community-centric endeavor. He is annoyed by the influx of gimmick accounts towards people who create more than a single gimmick account. However, he has no real qualms about them except for the rise of trendy new gimmick accounts. This is akin to someone seeing their once-niche indulgence becoming more mainstream, thus losing what attracted the person to it in the first place. However, it is acknowledged that this is simply a problem of mainstream success rather than quality reduction, and he accepts this as such.