

Marcus is constantly on the move from the moment he gets up at 7 in the morning everyday. He has classes in the morning everyday from 8am to 1pm and work from 5pm to 10pm, his day is filled from start to finish. With a schedule like this it is easy for him to get lazy when he needs to be working on something or using his time to be productive. Marcus makes full use of a daily schedule so that he can make sure he stays on track but still makes time for the things he enjoys. Working out is something he takes very important so this allows him to stay true to his goals for that as well as other things. Marcus writes down times designated to specific tasks or responsibilities he needs to accomplish and he finds it to be the only way he is able to succeed with this hectic schedule. Making a schedule may be a time consuming process but it's a strategy that involves writing that shows to be beneficial for a stressful daily routine. Having a day written brings the owner to a level of consciousness of what needs to be done throughout the day. He also leaves notes for himself to make sure that he stays dedicated to the things he took the time to write down and try to take seriously.
