Tostones de Platano Verde

Dublin Core



This is a Puerto Rican tostones de platano verde (fried green plantains) recipe with handwritten notes. It is part of a recipe book titled Cocine Con Migo (Translation: Cook With Me).


Dora R. De Romano


L. Albert


Ramallo Brothers





Notebook, Marginalia and Annotation Item Type Metadata




unlined paper
typewriter ink



Linguistic Text

Handwritten notes (modified recipe):
Mojito de Linda: 3 dientes de ajo molidos, sazón con azafrán, aceite y unas gotas vinagre, ¼ taza aceite de oliva

Mojito/aceite sazón ajo molido | 1/4 vinagre cucharadita
crossed out 1 libra de manteca
aceite canola

Given Text

Tostones de Platáno Verde
(4 raciones)

2 o 3 plátanos verdes 2 cucharaditas de sal
½ litro de agua 1 taza aceite o manteca vegetal

1. Monde los plátanos, pártalos en pedazos e 1” y remójelos en el agua con sal por 10 minutos.
2. Ponga la manteca o aceite a fuego moderado, escurra los pedazos de plátano y fríalos alrededor de 8 minutos o hasta que ablanden.
3. Sáquelos y aplástelos un poco sobre papel absorbente.
4. Suba el fuego a medianamente alto.
5. Échelos en el agua con sal nuevamente, sáquelos enseguida y échelos a freír hasta que doren, alrededor de 3 minutos.
6. Sáquelos, escúrralos sobre papel absorbente y sírvalos calientes.
Nota: combine ¼ taza de aceite de oliva con 2 dientes de ajo medianos bien machacados y eche sobre los tostones después de freírlos. Écheles sal.


English Translation:

Green Plantain Tostones (Fritters)
2 or 3 big green plantains 2 tablespoons of salt
½ quart of water 2 cups of vegetable oil
3 cloves of garlic ¼ C. olive oil
1 small onion
1 envelope of Sazon accent with azafrán
1. Peel the plantains, cut them at the bias/slantwise 1” and soak them in the water with salt for 10 minutes.
2. Place the oil in a pan at medium heat, drain the pieces of plantains and fry them –turning frequently—for about 8 minutes or until they are somewhat soft.
3. Take them out of the pan and crush them over absorbent paper.
4. Increase heat a bit.
5. Dip the crushed plantain into the sal water, taking them out immediately and place them in the pan until they are golden brown, about 5 minutes (I leave them less time, for I am watching them.)
[Contributor's Note: Variation: combine a ¼ c. of olive oil with 2 or 3 cloves of very well crushed garlic and pour over the tostones. I simmer some onions, mix with the garlic and olive oil and pour the mixture over the tostones.]


8 x 10

Artifact Type





Dora R. De Romano, “Tostones de Platano Verde,” Museum of Everyday Writing, accessed May 11, 2024,

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