
Dublin Core




This is a Puerto Rican alcapurrias recipe with handwritten notes. It is part of a recipe book titled Cocine Con Migo (Translation: Cook With Me).
The submitter provided the following about the artifact's history: A totally hands IN (not on) recipe. Grating the ingredients without scraping my fingers is my biggest challenge. Though this recipe may be a little time consuming because of the hand grating and later using your hands to mix all the ingredients well, this brings out the flavor of my green bananas, sazon seasoning, and sofrito plus coriander from my garden which makes it so delicious that you can’t just eat one; after four, you have savored the pleasure of a very tasty, satisfying, filling and authentic Puerto Rican treat.


Dora R. De Romano


L. Albert


Ramallo Brothers





Notebook, Marginalia and Annotation Item Type Metadata




unlined paper
typewriter ink



Linguistic Text

Handwritten notes (modified recipe):

1/2 yautías
extra --> guineos verdes 4 o 5
extra --> 2 platanos verdes
Recao picado (coriander)

Given Text

ALCAPURRIAS (12-14 Alcapurrias)

1 libra de yautía (2 tazas de yautía rallada)

1 plátano verde mediano (1 taza de plátano rallado)

1 ½ cucharadita de sal

2 cucharadas de Manteca o de aceite con achiote

1 ½ taza de Picadillo de Carne par Rellenos (receta en página 416)

1. Prepare el picadillo de carne.
2. Monde las yautías y el plátano. Remoje el plátano en agua con sal por 2 ó 3 minutos. Enjuáguelo, rállelo y mida 1 taza. Ralle las yautías y mida 2 tazas. Únalos y añada la sal y la grasa con achiote mezclando bien.
3. Ponga 3 cucharadas de masa sobre un pedazo de hoja de plátano o de papel parafinado engrasado y extiéndala con un cuchillo o con una spatula pequeña.
4. Échele 2 cucharaditas del picadillo y forme la alcapurria ayudándose con el cuchillo. Cubra bien el picadillo con la masa para que no se salga al freir.
5. Fría en abundante Manteca a fuego medianamente alto alrededor de 8-10 minutos o hasta que doren.
6. Escúrralas sobre papel absorbent y sírvalas calientes.

English Translation:

1 pound of yautía or taro (2 cups of shredded yautía/taro)

1 medium green plantain (1 cup of grated plantain)

1 ½ teaspoon of salt

2 tablespoons butter or oil with achiote

1 ½ cup flavored beef, chicken, or pork (recipe on page 416)

1. Prepare the flavored meat.
2. Mix the yautias and the plantain. Soak the plantain in water with salt for 2 or 3 minutes. Rinse, grate, and measure 1 cup. Grate the yautias and measure 2 cups. Mix and add salt and achiote making sure to mix all ingredients well.
3. Put 3 tablespoons of dough on a piece of plantain leaf or greased waxed paper and spread it with a knife or a small spatula.
4. Pour 2 teaspoons of the picadillo/flavored meat and form the alcapurria with the help of the knife. Enclose the flavored meat with the dough so that it does not come out when frying.
5. Fry in butter over medium high heat about 8-10 minutes or until golden brown.
6. Drain on absorbent paper and serve hot.


8 x 10

Artifact Type



Kamila Albert 11/03/17


Alcapurrias Recipe.jpg


Dora R. De Romano, “Alcapurrias,” Museum of Everyday Writing, accessed April 26, 2024,

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