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  • Type is exactly "Sign and Label"

moew 3.png
This artifact is a screenshot of the tags by Zabrina Barbian from the “crushing on this one pilam” artifact on the Museum of Everyday Writing’s website.


moew 2.png
This artifact is a screenshot of the metadata by Zabrina Barbian from the “crushing on this one pilam” artifact on the Museum of Everyday Writing’s website.


MOEW 1.png
This artifact is a screenshot of the “crushing on this one pilam” artifact by Zabrina Barbian on the Museum of Everyday Writing’s website.


American History World History.jpg
This is a picture of rows 72 and 69 in the Strozier Library at Florida State University, which are labelled “American History” and “World History,” respectively.

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FSU Library Tags.png
This artifact is a screenshot of some of the possible tags and filters under the search term “Angels in America” in the FSU online library.

Amazon Books 2.png
This is a screenshot of the Amazon website homepage for books. Specifically, this image is focusing on some of the genres and categories that books on this website are sorted into.

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Powerful comment about stance on the patriarchy


The floor mat states that there is always happy hour in the individuals home


Floor mat with a message for guest before entering home


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