Browse Exhibits (2 total)

Instagram: Linking the Physical to the Digital


Instagram has become a part of our everyday lives. Depending on who you are, you may be constantly checking Instagram or some other type of social media. With the amount of users and the different objects that you can take and post, there's a whole world to be seen right from your finger tips. One interesting tag you might find worth visiting? The museum tag. 

When we think about museums, we think of them as a physical place that one has to visit. The Museum of Everyday Writing proves that this is not a completely accurate way to think. This exhibit examines the way in which Instagram connects museums from the physical world to the digital one and the effect that those who post about them have on how we perceive them.

Image result for instagram logo.

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Social Media & Celebratory News : Announcing Personal Victories to the World

exhibit artifact 1.PNG

This exhibit analyzes celebratory news posted on various social media platforms and attempts to understand why we share this information. These particular posts and their connection to the ephemerality of everyday writing is also discussed. 

Even though everyday writing is dubbed mundane in nature, it has the potential to make transient moments more concrete. Its presence in the form of social media posts captures those important yet fleeting moments - like the excitement one feels after getting a promotion/new job or even being accepted into their dream school - and memorializes them for both the person experiencing it and for others in their social sphere.

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