Let's Get Political


After Donald Trump won the election, America seemed to be in need of some comic relief. The Obama/Biden meme series surfaced thereafter and helped a nation laugh again. In this series, Joe Biden is the lovable fool while Obama is the mature friend, but the series proved to be a testament to their relationship. The captions in these photos are always great and these memes often prompted comments like, “Gonna miss them.” This image plays so well into their fabled relationship as Obama appears to be scolding Biden like a parent would their child.


With 2016 being an election year, you can bet the meme universe was ripe with memes of all the political candidates. Once the race was narrowed down to Donald Trump v. Hillary Clinton, the Internet had a field day. This meme is an example of making light of a serious situation. It’s no secret that politicians pander to certain demographics for votes, so this meme pokes fun at her trying to relate to the ‘younger’ crowd.

Clinton made several appearances on talk shows and other public forums where she used culturally relevant dance moves like the Dab. This meme began to circulate after the election in light of her defeat to Donald Trump.

Let's Get Political